Come to the State Capitol on March 12 at 10am
and join The Emily Program Foundation Advocacy Director, Kitty Westin, along
with follow advocates to show your support for increasing mental health funding,
programs and services across Minnesota.
Contact Kitty at or 651-379-6117.
Contact Kitty at or 651-379-6117.
An issues briefing will be held at 10:00 a.m. at Christ Lutheran Church (105 W. University Ave.) followed by a Rally at Noon in the Capitol Rotunda. Advocates are encouraged to make appointments to visit their legislators at the Capitol that afternoon.
The event is sponsored by the Minnesota Mental Health Legislative Network (MHLN), a coalition of more than 20 statewide mental health organizations concerned about the quality and availability of mental health services including The Emily Program Foundation. NAMI Minnesota and the Mental Health Association of Minnesota are co-chairs of the network.
Buses Available to the Capitol
The Network has chartered five buses, each beginning in different locations across Minnesota, to make it easier for people to attend. All buses are expected to arrive at Christ Lutheran Church by 9:45 a.m. and will depart St. Paul around 3:00 p.m. There is no charge to ride the buses (unless otherwise noted) but registration is required since space is limited. For information or to reserve a seat, please contact Matt Burdick at or 651-645-2948 x107 (unless otherwise noted).
The Network has chartered five buses, each beginning in different locations across Minnesota, to make it easier for people to attend. All buses are expected to arrive at Christ Lutheran Church by 9:45 a.m. and will depart St. Paul around 3:00 p.m. There is no charge to ride the buses (unless otherwise noted) but registration is required since space is limited. For information or to reserve a seat, please contact Matt Burdick at or 651-645-2948 x107 (unless otherwise noted).