Monday, September 17, 2012

Media Monday - An Open Letter to Pinterest

Pinterest – 

On behalf of the over 10 million people who suffer from eating disorders in the United States, thank you for taking a stand against hurtful and detrimental, pro-anorexia or bulimia content on your website.

As non-profit organization, The Emily Program Foundation works to eliminate eating disorders through advocacy and education. We believe whole heartily that together we can make a difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities that are affected by this real and life-threatening disease.

We commend you on not only removing pro-eating disorder content from your website, but for your decision to offer a serious and informational response to thinspiration searches on Pinterest. Offering resources for treatment on a landing page like this may seem like an insignificant decision, but doing so can have a huge impact in the life of someone struggling with an eating disorder. We appreciate you for offering support in this way and reminding your users that eating disorders really are serious illnesses that affect real people, everyday.

Thank you for your advocacy and bravery in publicly taking a position on this issue.

The Emily Program Foundation

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